Merry Christmas In Norwegian: Languages are different in different corners of the world but people are the same. They may not understand your language but they experience the same emotions like love, hate, anger, affection, and greed, as you do. When it comes to Christmas, people celebrate this festival with utmost enthusiasm, fervor, and excitement no matter in which country they reside, what language they speak, or what color, cast, or religion they belong to. Christmas is the season of lighting, delectable cuisines, gratitude, and exchanging greetings with your friends and family members. If you have someone close to residing in a country like Norway or know someone local from Norway, you must send them heartfelt merry Christmas in Norwegian language wishes as wishing Christmas to near and dear ones is an integral part of Norway culture.
Moreover, the practice of exchanging merry Christmas in Norwegian wishes along with hugs and kisses has been a core element of the Christmas celebration for ages. So, either send plain old texts or make a phone call but don’t forget to greet your dear ones Merry Christmas residing in different countries.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year in Norwegian Language
Merry Christmas in English | Merry Christmas in Norwegian |
Merry Christmas! | God jul! |
Happy Christmas to everyone! | God jul til alle! |
Merry Christmas to you! | God jul til deg! |
Merry Christmas and god bless you! | God jul og Gud velsigne deg! |
Merry Christmas with lots of love and blessings! | God jul med mye kjærlighet og velsignelser! |
Merry Christmas to my lovely mother! | God jul til min herlige mor! |
Merry Christmas to my father! | God jul til faren min! |
Merry Christmas dearest brother! | God jul kjæreste bror! |
Merry Christmas dearest sister! | God jul kjæreste søster! |
Merry Christmas to my best friend! | God jul til min beste venn! |
Merry Christmas to gorgeous woman! | God jul til nydelig kvinne! |
Merry Christmas to my beautiful wife! | God jul til min vakre kone! |
Merry Christmas handsome husband! | God jul kjekk mann! |
Wishing merry Christmas to my awesome buddy! | Ønsker god jul til den fantastiske kompisen min! |
Merry Christmas to my beautiful daughter! | God jul til den vakre datteren min! |
Happy Christmas to my loving son! | God jul til min kjærlige sønn! |
Have a joyful Christmas celebration this year! | Ha en gledelig julefeiring i år! |
Merry Christmas to respected grandfather! | God jul til respektert bestefar! |
Merry Christmas to the best grandmother! | God jul til den beste bestemoren! |
Happy Christmas, cute grandson! | God jul, søt barnebarn! |
Merry Christmas to my mushy granddaughter! | God jul til min grøtete barnebarn! |
Merry Christmas and enjoy to the fullest. | God jul og nyt det fulle. |
Have a wonderful Christmas celebration! | Ha en fantastisk julefeiring! |
Merry Christmas to my brother in law! | God jul til min svoger! |
Merry Christmas to my amazing sister in law! | God jul til min fantastiske svigerinne! |
Merry Christmas to the most supporting father in law! | God jul til den mest støttende svigerfaren! |
Merry Christmas to the most caring mother in law! | God jul til den mest omsorgsfulle svigermor! |
Merry Christmas to my beloved son in law! | God jul til min elskede svigersønn! |
Merry Christmas to the best daughter in law! | God jul til den beste svigerdatteren! |
Merry Christmas to my sexy girlfriend! | God jul til min sexy kjæreste! |
Merry Christmas to my dashing boyfriend! | God jul til kjæresten min! |
Merry Christmas and I love you! | God jul og jeg elsker deg! |
Merry Christmas and happy holiday! | God jul og god ferie! |
Merry Christmas and good night! | God jul og god natt! |
Merry Christmas! Let’s party hard! | God jul! La oss feste hardt! |
Merry Christmas and be happy forever! | God jul og vær lykkelig for alltid! |
Merry Christmas and may you be god’s favorite child. | God jul og kan du være Guds favorittbarn. |
Merry Christmas and have a lots of fun! | God jul og ha det mye moro! |
Merry Christmas to the best boss ever! | God jul til den beste sjefen noensinne! |
Merry Christmas to all my dedicated employees! | God jul til alle mine dedikerte ansatte! |
Happy Christmas, dearest stepmom! | God jul, kjære stemor! |
Merry Christmas to my caring stepfather! | God jul til min omsorgsfulle stefar! |
Merry Christmas to the most supporting neighbors! | God jul til de mest støttende naboene! |
Merry Christmas to my quirky stepson! | God jul til min sære stesønn! |
Merry Christmas to my sensible stepdaughter! | God jul til min fornuftige stedatter! |
Merry Christmas to the best teacher ever! | God jul til den beste læreren noensinne! |
Merry Christmas to the most loving students! | God jul til de mest kjærlige studentene! |
Merry Christmas and accept my heartfelt gifts! | God jul og godta mine inderlige gaver! |
Cheers to the best Christmas holiday season ever! | Skål til den beste juleferien noensinne! |
May your Christmas celebration be fun-filled and memorable! | Måtte julefeiringen din være morsom og minneverdig! |
Merry Christmas In Norwegian Images