Happy New Year in Maltese: Another year is on the cusp of arrival and it still seems like this year just began a few days ago. Time flies at such an expeditious rate that and we got entangled in hustle and bustle so much that we often lose the sense of time. For the new year, different people have different perspectives. For some people, it’s just earth completing one revolution around Sun. For others, it’s a brand new beginning in life. However, no one forgets to wish their near and dear ones a new year. You can easily send greetings to people residing nearby. But what about those living away from you at a profound geographical distance? If your friends or family members are residing in Malta, you must send them happy new year in Maltese wishes on the occasion of the new year to bewitch them with your love and give them homely vibes as well.
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Below, we have compiled a list of different ways to say a happy new year in Maltese language that will help you to choose the best wishes for your loved ones and woo them with these Maltese new year wishes!
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Happy New Year in Maltese Language Wishes
Happy New Year in English | Happy New Year in Maltese |
Happy New Year! | Is-Sena t-Tajba! |
Happy New Year to everyone! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil kulħadd! |
Happy New Year to you! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lilek! |
Happy New Year and god bless you! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u Alla jbierek! |
Happy New Year with lots of love and blessings! | Is-Sena t-Tajba b’ħafna imħabba u barkiet! |
Happy New Year to my lovely mother! | Is-sena t-tajba lil ommi sabiħa! |
Happy New Year to my father! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil Missieri! |
Happy New Year dearest brother! | Is-sena t-tajba għeżież ħu! |
Happy New Year dearest sister! | Is-Sena t-Tajba Għeżież oħt! |
Happy New Year to my best friend! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-aqwa ħabib tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to gorgeous woman! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil mara sabiħa! |
Happy New Year to my beautiful wife! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-mara sabiħa tiegħi! |
Happy New Year handsome husband! | Ir-raġel sabiħ tas-Sena t-Tajba! |
Wishing Happy New Year to my awesome buddy! | Nawgura s-Sena t-Tajba lill-buddy tal-biża ‘tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to my beautiful daughter! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil binti sabiħa! |
Happy New Year to my loving son! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil ibni mħabba! |
Have a joyful new year celebration this year! | Ikollok ċelebrazzjoni tas-Sena l-Ġdida ferrieħa din is-sena! |
Happy New Year to respected grandfather! | Is-Sena t-Tajba għan-nannu rispettat! |
Happy New Year to the best grandmother! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-aqwa nanna! |
Happy New Year, cute grandson! | Is-Sena t-Tajba, neputi ħelu! |
Happy New Year to my mushy granddaughter! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lin-neputija mushy tiegħi! |
Happy New Year and enjoy to the fullest. | Is-Sena t-Tajba u tgawdi kemm jista ‘jkun. |
Happy new year Have a wonderful and exciting new year celebration! | Is-Sena t-Tajba Ikollok Ċelebrazzjoni tas-Sena l-Ġdida mill-isbaħ u eċċitanti! |
Happy New Year to my brother in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil ħija! |
Happy New Year to my amazing sister in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil oħti tal-għaġeb tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to the most supporting father in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-Missier l-iktar ta ’Appoġġ fil-Liġi! |
Happy New Year to the most caring mother in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-iktar omm li tieħu ħsiebha! |
Happy New Year to my beloved son in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lit-tifel maħbub tiegħi fil-liġi! |
Happy New Year to the best daughter in law! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-aqwa tifla fil-liġi! |
Happy New Year to my sexy girlfriend! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-ħabiba sexy tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to my dashing boyfriend! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-għarus tiegħi! |
Happy New Year and I love you! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u nħobbok! |
Happy New Year and good morning! | Is-sena t-tajba u l-għodwa t-tajba! |
Happy New Year and good night! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u l-Lejl it-Tajjeb! |
Happy New Year! Let’s party hard! | Is-Sena t-Tajba! Ejja Party Hard! |
Happy New Year and be happy forever! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u kun kuntent għal dejjem! |
Happy New Year and may you be god’s favorite child. | Is-Sena t-Tajba u Jalla Tkun it-Tifel Favorit ta ‘Alla. |
Happy New Year and have a lots of fun! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u ħu gost ħafna! |
Happy New Year to the best boss ever! | Is-Sena t-Tajba għall-aqwa imgħallem li qatt kien hemm! |
Happy New Year to all my dedicated employees! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-impjegati dedikati kollha tiegħi! |
Happy New Year, dearest stepmom! | Is-Sena t-Tajba, l-Għeżież Stepmom! |
Happy New Year to my caring stepfather! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lil missieru li jieħu ħsiebu! |
Happy New Year to the most supporting neighbors! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-ġirien l-iktar ta ’appoġġ! |
Happy New Year to my quirky stepson! | Is-Sena t-Tajba għall-stepson stramb tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to my sensible stepdaughter! | Is-Sena t-Tajba għat-tifla sensibbli tiegħi! |
Happy New Year to the best teacher ever! | Is-Sena t-Tajba għall-aqwa għalliem li qatt kien hemm! |
Happy New Year to the most loving students! | Is-Sena t-Tajba lill-istudenti l-iktar li jħobbu! |
Happy New Year and accept my heartfelt gifts! | Is-Sena t-Tajba u aċċetta r-rigali mill-qalb tiegħi! |
Cheers to the best New Year holiday season ever! | Cheers għall-aqwa staġun tal-vaganzi tas-Sena l-Ġdida li qatt kien hemm! |