Happy Thanksgiving Poems 2024: The gist of the thanksgiving celebration differs from person to person because no two people have the same perspective. For some, Thanksgiving is all about feasting and dancing. For others, thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to take new pledges and help the needy ones as much as they can. However, the best part of the thanksgiving celebration is when all the loved ones are stilling under one roof and holding each other hands to pray to god for food, togetherness, and blessings. Reciting beautiful thanksgiving poems during that time is an exemplary way to remind all your loved ones why we celebrate the thanksgiving festival. The bountiful harvest and blessings of the past year, the changing fall season, and unflinching faith in god, all these things are covered in our collection of happy thanksgiving poems 2024 that will make thanksgiving celebration with loved ones more jovial and inspiring.
Inspirational Thanksgiving Poems for Friends and Family Members
Thanks to God for giving abundance of lots of;
lots you have given to eat;
we thank you for this greet;
may all eat, may all share;
happy thanksgiving to all brave.
Twas the night before Thanksgiving.
All the food’s in the oven.
And I’m in the bedroom performin’ self lovin’.”
― Craig Ferguson

Not you get tired, not all;
do hard work and get never afraid of toll;
God has given us body of steel;
let us toil, let us toil and get most’
Happy thanksgiving to all.
Related Post: Religious Thanksgiving Messages
The ultimate feast! Turkey, dressing, pies, memories.
Laughter carries over squabbles and fleeting tears.
Game time, go! Heightened adrenaline; increased appetites.
Oh, the parade! Marching bands, floats and giant balloons.
Stuff the turkey, stuff your tummies! Eat up, eat more!
Thanksgiving joys shared with beloved family and friends.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich
May more come of food;
may more come of good;
may more come of wealth;
if we plough a lot, we get a lot;
Christ the merciful shown the way;
hard work always pays.
wishing everyone happy thanksgiving day.
“Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Run away, Run away
If you don’t be careful
You will be a mouthful
Thanksgiving Day.”
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The more food you share, the more blessings you get;
thanksgiving is the day of merriment and care;
care for those who are yours; friends and friends;
be kind and compassionate towards other fellows that don’t have;
we all let’s pledge;
on Thanksgiving, none sleep hungry;
that’s all we care.
“A turkey is a funny bird,
Its head goes wobble, wobble,
All it knows is just one word,
Gobble, gobble, gobble.”
See that no your turkey runs;
you have it cooked, apple pie and with rums;
let’s decorate the table; with all food you have;
you eat all;
and invite others for eating and greet all;
may your harvest go all well forever;
and you celebrate Thanksgiving forever.
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Sweat you more, sweat you more;
grind, grind; forward you more;
none stop you, not stopped by any;
you do more, you do more;
it’s the inspiration of Thanksgiving.
“If turkeys thought, they’d run away,
A week before Thanksgiving Day.
But turkeys can’t anticipate,
And so there’s turkey on my plate.”
Be determined, be in belief;
have faith and stay away from disbelief;
not you cry, not of you any;
not your a day goes dry and not of many;
be all, be abundance;
grains grow, rice more;
apples hangs like little jewels;
wishing happiest Thanksgiving;
you all go well.
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You grow, I grow; God make us all grow;
eat apple pie, turkey dishes all that you know;
candied yams, mashed potatoes with classic stuffing;
More you eat, more I grow; more I eat, more you grow;
wishing Thanksgiving all; to all that you know.
“I like the taste of turkey
Any time throughout the year
But it never seems to taste as good
As when Thanksgiving’s here.
Could be it’s all the trimmings
That are cooked with it to eat-
But I think it’s eating at Grandma’s house
That makes it such a treat!”
Not you lie, not you tread;
for the benefit of you, not false you tread;
think of all, think of all;
all live happy, all live gold;
wishing abundant Thanksgiving;
Hail the God, Hail the God.
Thanks to everyone;
thanks to each one;
that you love, whom you love;
say thanks, say hi;
eat together but never bye-bye;
wishing everyone Thanksgiving forever.
Related Post: Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends
“The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway
Thanksgiving comes again!”
Rise up, get up;
don’t go lazy;
it is all there sun rising;
toil up, toil up; let’s us toil all;
provided not our days go crazy;
happy Thanksgiving to all.
This is the day;
this is the life;
we make it great with all strife;
never go back always forward;
wish everyone happy Thanksgiving with abundance.

“Give thanks for each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night.
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything they goodness sends.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
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What life you live if not do work;
and never believe; the hands God given;
the feet god given;
with these you can anything;
your destiny is your bliss;
together we all eat, together we all greet;
say happy Thanksgiving;
that’s how we all treat.
“A generous cup of blessings,
A tablespoon of reflection,
A handful of memories together,
A good helping of hugs & laughter,
A pint of time with friends & family,
Mix with love & forgiveness.”
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Thanksgiving Poems for Kids
In days and nights, everyone toils;
that brings bright;
never you shy, never you cry;
just go forward with God’s light;
have faith, have belief;
go forward with all this;
wishing everyone happy Thanksgiving.
Say to God the merciful thanks;
say thanks for everything he has given;
say thanks for abundance he has given;
say thanks that he’s taught how to get all;
happy Thanksgiving to all.

I’m thankful for turkey.
I’m thankful for yams.
I’m thankful for cranberries,
biscuits, and hams.I’m thankful for pumpkins.
I’m thankful for cheese.
I’m thankful for gravy,
potatoes, and peas.I’m thankful for stuffing;
I’m nuts for the stuff.
I’m thankful for eggnog
and marshmallow fluff.I’m thankful for whipped cream
and ice cream and pies.
I’m thankful for dad’s
double-chocolate surprise.I’m thankful, Thanksgiving,
for good things to eat.
But mostly I’m thankful
I still see my feet.
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No enmity you have, no enmity I have;
no differences you have, no differences I have;
we all the children of same lord, the merciful almighty;
you hail, I hail;
the abundance He given;
may all prevail.
wishing everyone happiest Thanksgiving.
Embellish your dine with a turkey fine;
pumpkins, apple pie, cranberry sauce and stuffing fine;
drink wine and rum and go in merriment;
thanks god for giving a lot;
thanks to everyone who together;
may your life go happy and mine too;
Happy Thanksgiving; together we all rhyme too.
Never lie, never lazy;
all truth and for truth you become crazy;
not you fear, not you fright;
God’s blessings with you; all divine
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone with wine.
When you say thanks;
God helps;
When you help;
all help;
have gratitude, show kind, be kind;
learn the way the God has defined.
wishing everyone happy thanksgiving;
that’s what I pray all time.
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Say thanks to sun for waking us up;
say thanks to moon for packing us up;
go home;
meet your wife and meet your son;
talk, play, care and love;
say thank God for this beautiful life;
wishing everyone Thanksgiving fine.
Turkey runs;
turkey burns;
all we cook is a turkey with buns;
wine, berries, pie, all the dishes we have;
it is happy Thanksgiving all we care.
Also see: Happy Thanksgiving In Heaven Messages, Quotes, Poems
May we never go through sadness;
may we never go through pain;
may we all go together in rain;
holding hand we get together;
not you grieve, not I become sad;
wishing happy Thanksgiving to all.
You friend come, I friend come;
you play, I play;
we both grow together, never stay away;
wishing happy Thanksgiving, that’s all what we say.
Not in morning and evening;
Not in days and nights;
while I pray all the time;
sharing is caring; it is this bliss that is all divine;
happy Thanksgiving all the time.
It is Thanksgiving holiday;
a great day;
all joy and all the merriment;
dance, sing and spread joy;
the moments you spend;
never coming back.
Happy thanksgiving all I want to say;
from the core of my heart;
all I want to say.
Also see: Religious Thanksgiving Messages, Wishes
Thanksgiving Pomes for Blessing
Thank you God for giving us all and everything;
we are always thankful to you for showing us path and leading us;
it is just because of you, we are eating together;
all for this great abundance, we thank you; Amen.
Thank you for thy grace over us;
thank you for protecting us;
thank you that you have made us worthy and abled;
thanks that you have given food and water;
it is just because of you we are living; Amen.

May we never betray you God;
may we never betray our friends and family;
may all loyal to us and we to all;
may thy grace forever hover on us; Amen.
May prosperity and richness come;
may everything double up in goodness;
may we never get empty of food;
may all help;
may all in merriment;
we can’t thank you enough God;
because everything is you and we too; Amen.
It is just because of you our dine is set all great with all the variety of foods;
we have all and everything because of you;
give us the pleasure of inviting you;
we wish may you come and grace us with your presence and blessings;
we all friends and family welcome you;
just because of you, we never be empty; Amen.
We be as you say;
we do as you say;
may you your shelter on us all the time;
may we never commit false, may we never commit crime;
may it be all divine, may it be all divine; Amen.
Never leave us, we are the children of you;
if we dismay, you punish but never leave us; we are children of you;
you have taught to care, share and love;
we do as you say;
your path of truth we always may;
it is the great Thanksgiving as you say; Amen.
May you give to those who don’t have;
may we invite all for dine who don’t have;
may on Thanksgiving, none sleep hungry;
may your grace on those who don’t have; Amen.
Thank you for giving us feast;
thank for giving us a reason for celebration;
thank you for teaching us sharing;
thanks for giving us rest and holidays from all the toil;
may we celebrate you and may we celebrate us;
it is Thanksgiving, a great day; Amen.
May our life always be beautiful and nice;
may others’ also as you define;
it is all your game;
may you show mercy on us;
whatever path we take, you with us;
thanks for giving us gracious and tasty food;
we thank you for everything; Amen.
Thy abundance so much;
thank you for that much;
on the day of thanksgiving we bow to you;
that you’ve given us so much and all;
may we always have food feast;
may our everyday go like feast;
thanks for everything and thanks for all;
wishing you happy thanksgiving my lord. Amen.
Right here in front of you, we stand here in front of you;
with all the breads and pie of various tastes;
so many dishes waiting for you;
may you come and taste what we have cooked on Thanksgiving;
may you tell us if anything is lacking;
may with your grace and permission we share and greet;
thank you God for never abandoning;
may your shelter always on us. Amen!
May the light of You God forever guide us;
may you shower mercy on us forever that light us;
may we share with you;
may we share with others, what more we have of you;
first we say thanks to you for giving us this holiday and life;
may thy grace on us that we never lie;
may all feast, dance and party. Amen!
Thank you for everything what you have given us on the happy day of Thanksgiving;
we share this with needy and hungry;
may none of your children, God, sleep hungry. Amen!
May none of your children dwindle from the path of you;
may they glide and align with you;
abundance of feast, turkey in treat, wine and rum are all there;
may on Thanksgiving all unite;
may you say prayers. Amen!
May all be happy;
may all rest;
may all eat;
may all feast;
Thank you God for Thanksgiving;
may all get treat. Amen!
Never say never;
what food you get; never say never;
what you getting is His wish, the God almighty;
may his bliss forever be yours. Amen!
We don’t know how many thanks we say you, though all are less;
with our folded hands, we bow to you;
you always test us;
may you never fail;
may you forever give us abundance;
may you forever give treat. Amen!
You have set us aligned;
you have decided our destiny;
it is all according to you; happening;
everything is set;
it is all your plan;
may this Thanksgiving feast never end. Amen!
We are indebted to everyone who has helped us;
on this auspicious Thanksgiving day;
may we share food with everyone;
may it never get empty;
may all remain happy and joyous. Amen!
Oh! Father the great;
thanks for giving this earth;
thanks for giving us air;
on green soft grass we walk;
among birds and pets we play;
all the joy is here;
thou always protect your dears;
may none be thirsty;
may none be hungry. Amen!
Happy Thanksgiving;
happy Thanksgiving;
happy Thanksgiving;
thank you father for every thanksgiving;
may all forever eat and feast. Amen!
Friends and family come;
sweet strangers rum;
light the candles high;
it is because of God merciful benign;
arrange the chairs;
arrange the plates;
cut the turkey in the plates
eat, greet; it is all life;
happy thanksgiving everyone to every time. Amen!
May your prayers, the great Father, answer;
may you get all what you want;
may your desires never go unfulfilled;
may you never suffer;
may everyone celebrate Thanksgiving; Amen!
May our land all time abundance with grains;
may on our dry land, it may rain;
may no tears flow in anyone’s eyes;
may all forever smile;
youngs and children paly;
lovely husbands and wives say;
happy Thanksgiving, happy Thanksgiving; Amen!