Birthday Wishes for Little Brother: Younger brothers are the perfect combination of sweetness, bubbly attitude, and irritating talks. Yes, they could annoy the hell out of you but without them, your life will be less gleeful and happening. You can shower all the love on your little brother, fight with him, care for him, but you can’t ignore him. Younger brothers need constant pampering and attention from the elder ones in order to get what they want. On your little brother’s birthday, make him feel delighted and out of the world by sending him heart touching happy birthday wishes for younger brother full of blessings, love, and affection for him. Pick the best one from the below-stated collection and send it to your cute and gullible little brother!
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Younger Brother
You have no idea how great and blissful it is to have a younger brother by your side who is always ready to give your helping hands whenever needed. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I wish utter happiness and success for you. Happy birthday to my sweet little brother!
It is giving me outrageous joy to wish happy birthday to my super cool and energetic brother. Your fervor to live every moment of life like there is no tomorrow intrigues me a lot. May God bless you with everything you need and desire. Happy birthday to my lovely younger brother!
Hey little one, may you never lose your vivaciousness, childlike hastiness, and also never grow up to become a serious grumpy man. Happy birthday, little brother. God bless you with all the riches of the world!

Getting older is not a drawback, brother. Yes, you will lose energy, connections, and a lot of other pivotal things with respect to time but you will gain wisdom, make new connections, and experience the different facades of life. Wishing mirthful to my forever chirpy little brother!
Out of all my lovely little and elder brothers, you are the sweetest and most innocent one by leaps and bounds. Whenever I need to refresh my mood or want to get a good laugh, I always call you or meet you. Happy birthday to the best little brother!
The loveliest brother in the world also deserves the most heart-tugging birthday wishes from the coolest elder brother. May you forever be the favorite of everyone and achieve the heights of success that no one has ever thought about in our family. Happy birthday, brother!
The day you arrived in this home, I told everyone that I am going to give all those things to my little brother that I haven’t had. You are everything for me and I will make sure everyone remembers your happening birthday party. I love you little brother and happy birthday!
Hey little brother, if you want the best gift from your big sister, you better give me the biggest slice of cake as well as all your chocolates to me. Anyway, I wish you have a great day and a super cool birthday party. Happy birthday, my little wonder!
Who wouldn’t be happy to have a little brother like you who is obedient, cheerful, think about family first, and laser-focused on the goals? You are the youngest but the brightest member of this family and I am really proud of you. Happy birthday to my dashing little brother!
Hey younger brother, I want to give you the most valuable piece of a that no one will probably give you. If you want to live a cheerful and tranquil life, start appreciating the little things you have in life and never expect anything from anyone. Have a blasting and unforgettable birthday celebration!
You are my younger brother and I am lucky to have as my brother because you are always there for me for whatever I need. May you be what you want to be my little cute younger brother! Wishing you happy birthday!
Between you and me, our relationship is bit sour and sweet. But I know from my heart when I need you for anything, you will always be there for me. May you always have what you want to have! Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
I don’t know what you want to be in life. But I wish and pray whatever you want to be, may you be and May everything happens good with you! Wishing happy birthday my dearest younger brother!
Life is not always fair. May you have all the strength to get ahead in life! And as your elder brother I will always help you. Wishing happy birthday my sweet younger brother!
I have always wished you to be perfect at everything. May you excel at everything in whatever you have your hand! Wishing happy birthday dearest younger brother!
You must have to accept not every time everything is in your favor. That’s why I wish May you always have positive attitude towards every problem and difficulty! May it give you understand and May it soon get resolved in your life! Happy birthday younger brother!
As this sky is vast and hold so many stars. May you also go vast and hold so many flags of success in your life! Wishing happy birthday loveliest younger brother!
May you always work on yourself trying to be better version of yourself! Wishing happy birthday my younger brother!
In life true love is most essential ingredient in life. If you have true love in your life, you can achieve everything. May true love come in your life lil brother! Wishing happiest birthday awesome younger brother!
May you always have strength and honor in your life wherever you go! Wishing happy birthday my lovely younger brother!
Also see: Inspirational Birthday Prayers For Brother
Emotional Happy Birthday Messages for Younger Brother
Your arrival fulfilled the dire need of having a brother in my life with whom I can fight, share my secrets, steal stuff, and shower love. You have always been my little teddy bear and I will protect you till the end. Happy birthday to my special little brother. All the gifts, hugs, and kisses are on the way!
On the most special day of my tiny brother, the only thing I want to gift you is my promise to be with you all the time, no matter how things turn out in the future. Everything may change in your life but not the promise of your big brother. Happy birthday to my annoying little brother!

Out of all my little brothers, you are perhaps the only one with the qualities of honesty, treachery, trustworthiness, shrewdness, and flamboyance. I mean how you can be so many personalities at the same time? May you never change with time. Happy birthday, sweet younger brother!
Though I am your big brother, but I must say you are the one whom everyone should look up as a role model. You have defied the concept that little things can’t pull off the big wonders. It is my pleasure to see you growing up. Happy birthday to my not-so-little brother!
The more I see you meticulously, the more I become confident that you are the reincarnation of the devil on earth. Your mischievous smile and your out of the blue pranks can scare the hell out of anyone. I wish you a lifetime of good luck and success on your happiest birthday!
May you never understand weak yourself dear younger brother! Understanding yourself weak is a sin. May you never do it! Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
Just remember one thing I am always there for you in whatever way and condition you need it. You just call me and say my name. May you soon establish yourself on the ladder of success! Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
May you have emotional strength in life my younger brother! I always support you and at every step I will be with you like shelter protecting you from all hurdles. Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
May you always have trust and faith in yourself! These are the ingredients that make you rich at everything. Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
I love you my younger brother with all my heart. And every second I think of your benefit and good. You are like my child. May god give you everything what you want! Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
Also see: Birthday Wishes For Brother From Another Mother
Happy Birthday Younger Brother Quotes
Today is the most special day of my little baby brother and I couldn’t hold my excitement anymore to celebrate your special day with all my force and zestfulness. May your special day be packed with your favorite chocolates, gifts, and pampering. Happy birthday, little brother!
Happiest birthday to my brother who is also synonymous with the word trouble. Wherever you go, you are bound to create a mess that no one can clean up except you. Happy birthday and God bless you with some brains!

No matter how tall and successful you become in life, you will forever be my little mushy brother who used to pee in the pants when I tickle him excessively. Jokes apart, wishing joy and blissful birthday to my one and only dashing younger brother. God bless you!
When hopelessness and anguish surround me, I immediately see your cute and innocent face, and all stress go away in no time. As long as you are holding my hand, I can fight with the whole world without breaking a sweat. May you have a blasting birthday celebration, my little brother!
Thank you so much my sweet but spoiled little brother for adding colors of happiness and exuberant vibes to my life. I wish our endearing brother-sister bond remains intact and unscathed as long as we both are alive. Happy birthday and may all your heartiest dreams come true!
When brothers are there for you then you can wade through everything in life. Wishing happy birthday cutest younger brother!
Having a younger brother is like having a closest friend in life that never leaves you. And you are like that my beautiful younger brother. Wishing you happy birthday!
Brothers are like that shield and wall that save you from all storms in life. You are that shield my younger brother. Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
You always be tension free in life when you have brothers in life. Thank you my younger brother being in my life forever. I love you and wish you happy birthday!
A brother’s love never let you die in life. I love you younger brother and thank to you also for loving me unconditionally. Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
Also see: Sweet Happy Birthday Brother Images
Happy Birthday Wishes For Little Brother from Elder Sister
Hey my little bundle of endless energy, finally the day has arrived you have been waiting for desperately. Don’t worry, I have roped in all your favorite gifts but you won’t get them unless you say ‘ my sister is the best’ . Jokes apart, happy birthday to my super cute little brother!
Your whimsical attitude, your childlike innocence and curiosity, and your irresistible cuteness are the only reason I tolerate your silly jokes and pranks. However, if you don’t obey your big sister, you won’t get to cut the birthday cake. Happy birthday to the cutest little brother.

Hey little one, you are the mother’s second most ultimate creation. The first and the best creation will always be me. One more thing, our parents love me more than you. From the core of my heart, happy birthday to my sweet little brother!
All the memories of your childhood which we have created together are well etched in my mind forever and I thank you wholeheartedly for that. You are a perfect little brother who plays the role of a big brother when I am in need of advice or support. Happy birthday to my beloved younger brother!
Hey little brother, thank you so much for getting birth in this family otherwise I would have died of the boredom alone. I don’t need anyone when you are around me. You are a packet of good luck and sheer joy. I love you and happy birthday to you!
You are like my little child. I love you with all my heart because I have brought you up like a mother. I always pray for your happiness. Happy birthday younger brother!
When you were a so little child, you always used to sleep in my lap. You are my cutest younger brother. Love you forever. May you be always worriless! Wishing happy birthday younger brother!
May you never weep in life my younger brother! As your elder sister, arms are always open for you with all my love. So many hugs and happy birthday to you!
You are smart, brave and intelligent. You are my younger brother and I am proud of your all achievements. Wishing you happy birthday dear!
I am just a bit unhappy with your so much anger that to you suddenly comes. You work on it for control. As your elder sister, from the truest of my heart I wish you happy birthday. May you never fail my younger brother!
Also see: Birthday Wishes For Friend Like Brother
Funny Birthday Wishes For Younger Brother
You irritate the hell out of me but I have to tolerate your annoyance because I don’t have any other little brother except you. May you grow up into an accountable person which seems an impossible thing to me. Happy birthday to my super annoying little brother!
Hey little bro, thanks a lot for tolerating my bossy attitude and allowing me to snatch all your precious. Moreover, all the best for tolerating them furthermore in the future. Jokes apart, you are the piece of my heart, and happy birthday to you!

Dear little brother, the best gift I can give to you on your birthday is keeping all your dirty secrets pretty close to my chest. Say thanks to me for being such a staunch and lovely brother. Wishing a joyous birthday to my little mushy brother!
I, remembering your birthday and wishing you on time are the two biggest gifts in themselves for you. Don’t raise your expectations and make sure to give me all the cake and chocolates. Wishing happy birthday to my sweet little brother!
I may not express in words but I love and care for you more than anyone else in the family. And don’t ever think that I will be dead serious while saying such things to you. Happy birthday my little love! May you be forever zestful, joyful, and satisfied from within!
You have grown my younger brother. Just put off your diapers. You don’t need to wear it all the life! Wishing you happy birthday brother!
You are like little noodles dear younger brother always getting slipped. Don’t get too much! Wishing you happy birthday dear!
Listening you is like having so many burgers in mouth and then expressing yourself. It feels like a hippo is gargling! Happy birthday younger brother!
You know you want to be my elder brother but it is my destiny of being yours elder. May you be my slave forever younger brother! With love wishing you happy birthday!
When you become angry, your face looks like a mouse in anger whose butter someone has snatched or eaten! Wishing happy birthday younger brother! Don’t be like a mouse in anger!