Happy Birthday in Catalan: It’s subtle as well as delightful to wish someone happy birthday in their native language. This gesture not only brings you closer to your foreign friend but also incites more respect and love toward your culture in his heart. Do you want to learn how to say happy birthday in Catalan language to woo your Valencian friends and make them feel more homely? If yes, we have jotted down different ingenious ways to wish happy birthday in Catalan language that will give you more options to wish your friends or family members in Catalan in a creative way.
How to Say Happy Birthday in Catalan Language
Happy Birthday in English | Happy Birthday in Catalan |
Happy Birthday! | Feliç aniversari! |
Happy Birthday to you! | Feliç aniversari a tu! |
Happy birthday my dear! | Per molts anys estimat! |
Happy birthday beautiful woman! | Feliç aniversari bella dona! |
Happy birthday gorgeous! | Feliç aniversari preciosa! |
Happy birthday, dear friend! | Feliç aniversari, estimat amic! |
Happy birthday to my buddy! | Feliç aniversari al meu amic! |
Happy birthday, my friend! | Per molts anys amic meu! |
Wishing happy birthday to my lovely mother! | Desitjant feliç aniversari a la meva encantadora mare! |
Happy birthday daddy! | Feliç aniversari pare! |
Happy birthday to my respected father! | Feliç aniversari al meu destí! |
Happy birthday mom! | Feliç aniversari mare! |
Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter! | Feliç aniversari a la meva bella filla! |
Happy birthday to me! | Feliç aniversari per a mi! |
Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! | Feliç aniversari! Que tots els vostres desitjos mengin veritat! |
May your birthday be filled with joyful moments! | Que el vostre aniversari s’ompli de moments alegres! |
Have a fantastic birthday celebration! | Tingueu una celebració fantàstica d’aniversari! |
Happy birthday and congratulations! | Feliç aniversari i felicitats! |
I wish you a wonderful birthday! | Us desitjo un meravellós aniversari! |
Happy birthday, dear grandfather! | Feliç aniversari, estimat avi! |
Happy birthday, lovely grandmother! | Feliç aniversari, bonica àvia! |
I wish you the best on your happy birthday! | Us desitjo el millor del vostre feliç aniversari! |
May you have a day full of lovely birthday wishes and laughter! | Que tingueu un dia ple de desitjos i rialles preciosos! |
Happy birthday, my son! | Feliç aniversari, fill meu! |
Happy birthday brother in law! | Feliç aniversari cunyat! |
Happy birthday sister in law! | Feliç aniversari germana germana! |
Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend! | Feliç aniversari a la meva bella xicota! |
Happy birthday, dashing boyfriend! | Feliç aniversari, xicotet xicotet! |
Let’s raise a toast on your birthday! | Anem a brindar el vostre aniversari! |
I hope you like my birthday gift and greetings! | Espero que us agradi el meu regal i salutacions d’aniversari! |
Happy birthday to the most special person in the world! | Feliç aniversari a la persona més especial del món! |
I am lucky to have you in my little world. Happy birthday! | Tinc la sort de tenir -te al meu petit món. Feliç aniversari! |
Happy birthday and I love you! | Feliç aniversari i t’estimo! |
It feels so good to be the part of your birthday celebration! | Se sent molt bé formar part de la celebració del vostre aniversari! |
Happy birthday! Let’s cut the cake. | Feliç aniversari! Tallem el pastís. |
Congratulations on surviving one more year! | Felicitats per la supervivència un any més! |
Congratulations on getting one more year older! | Enhorabona per aconseguir un any més! |
Happy birthday! Let’s rock the party! | Feliç aniversari! Anem a la festa! |
I Wish you enjoy the birthday party to the fullest! | M’agradaria que gaudiu de la festa d’aniversari al màxim! |
May your birthday be as special as you are. | Que el vostre aniversari sigui tan especial com sou. |
Happy birthday to my adorable grandson! | Feliç aniversari al meu adorable nét! |
Happy birthday to my quirky granddaughter! | Feliç aniversari a la meva neta peculiar! |
Happy birthday and cheers to your happiness! | Feliç aniversari i alegres a la vostra felicitat! |
May you never stop enjoying your life! | Que mai no deixis de gaudir de la teva vida! |
Happy and may all your dreams come true! | Feliç i que tots els vostres somnis mengin veritat! |
Sending my blessings and gifts on your birthday! | Enviant les meves benediccions i regals el vostre aniversari! |
Happy birthday to the loveliest person I know! | Feliç aniversari a la persona més encantadora que conec! |
Happy birthday to my favorite person from the bottom of my heart. | Feliç aniversari a la meva persona preferida des del fons del cor. |
Happy birthday. May god’s blessings always be falling on you! | Feliç aniversari. Que les benediccions de Déu sempre us caiguin! |
Happy birthday! Trust me there is no fun in getting old! | Feliç aniversari! Confieu en mi, no hi ha diversió envellir! |
Happy Birthday in Catalan Images